Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy at The Talcott Center
Pediatric physical therapists address a number of areas such as strength, range of motion and motor planning skills in order to promote a child’s successful participation within their environment. They address developmental milestones such as rolling, sitting, and walking. In addition, physical therapists work on higher level skills like running, throwing, catching, and bike riding. Physical therapists also play an integral role in the recovery from an injury. Through careful assessment, our physical therapists can develop an appropriate clinic-based program, as well as a home exercise program to ensure the achievement of goals. Our physical therapists not only provide 1:1 treatment, but also develop and run innovative group-based programs designed to challenge and motivate each child, while mimicking real life situations that promote social interaction and teamwork.

Our PT’s work with a variety of pediatric diagnoses, including but not limited to:
- Developmental Delay
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Cerebral Palsy
- Torticollis
- Orthopedic Injuries
- Hypotonia
- Neurological Impairments
In addition, areas addressed through physical therapy include:
- Developmental activities – crawling, sitting, walking
- Increasing strength and coordination
- Balance and postural control
- Flexibility
- Recovery from injury
- Injury prevention